I recently spoiled myself and picked up 3 Sally Hansen Crackle Overcoats This is Ink Splatter over 1 coat each of Sally Hansen X-Treme Wear Sun Kissed and Claire's Crush (a sheer orange with iridescent sparkle). I know crackles have been circulating a lot lately and maybe folks are getting a bit bored with them but I just got my hands on some colours so I just have to try them all out! :)
It reminds me of the Balrog from LoTR! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
And we have been covered in clouds forever here, but I'll say that the sparkle is WOW in the sun!
Do Not Refreeze:Lava Inspired Nails
Never Unpolished: Easy Peasy Lava Nails
Nails and Nonsense: Lava Gradient
Rikki Nails: Crackle Shatter over Color Club Wild and Willing
I will be having company this week and she's another nail polish fiend, so we'll probably do a few guest manis to share!
Thanks for stopping by!